Thursday, 4 October 2012

Minimal Reader Pro v3.3 Apk App

 Offline or online, never miss your favourite news with this simple and elegant user interface !
 To start using Minimal Reader Pro, you need to add it on your homescreen as a widget : long press on your home screen and select "Widgets".

 News reading has never been easier, even with large amount of sources :

 Scrollable/Resizable widget (works on Android 3.x, 4.X and compatible launchers like Go or ADW Launcher)
 5 static Widgets: 4x1, 4x2, 4x3, 4x4 (works with all launchers)
 Display the latest news with images from your favourite websites/blogs right on your desktop and easily scroll through them.
 Import your Google Reader Subscriptions, Labels or add your own RSS/Atom feeds.
 Please use Google Reader labels (folders) to regroup your feeds, importing and refreshing will be MUCH FASTER than importing each feed individually !
 When you add a feed to a label (folder) in google reader, it will be automaticly synced with the widget, no need to re-import.
 Click on a news title to open the full story in a customizable Pop-up window, works in offline mode too !
 Swipe left or right on a pop-up to read the next or previous news article.
 While reading an article you can share it, set it as favourite or read it in the browser.
 Customize the widget and the pop-up to match your home screen.
 Many settings available : Filter the News by age, auto scroll, auto refresh ...
 You can add as many feeds as you want on the same widget or separate them in several widgets.

 What's in this version : (Updated : Oct 2, 2012)

 Pre-download full articles - this is useful for feeds that only show a preview of the story. The complete article gets pre-downloaded and is available offiline. Simply click the download button next to the feed name in the browser tab.
 New option to set the list layout (4 options)
 Infinite scrolling lists
 New settings layout
 General bugfixes and improvements

 Required Android O/S : 2.1+


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