Wednesday, 21 August 2013

C Locker Pro v2.5.0 Apk Pro

C Locker Pro v2.5.0
Requirements: Android v4.0+
>>>Customize the Lock Screen you like, Launch the actions you need…quickly!


=====Extra Features for Pro version: =====
1. Things you can see from the Lock Screen:
—RSS Feeds (CNN, BBC), Network Provider Name, Battery info..
—Calendar Events List Reminder..

2. Things you can customize on the Lock Screen
—Volume Rocker Control, long press to play/skip (next/prev) music.
—Screen Off Volume Skip (next/prev) music
—Locker screen sliding gesture actions with 4 directions (Up, Down, Left, Right)
—More than 10 custom shortcuts your can set to launch apps, direct call, direct sms
—RSS update interval and other settings
—PIN Unlock (Child Lock)
—Clock background (Full transparent/Black transparent)
—Clock position set to left/center
—Font Styles, Font Colors

=====Features for Free version: =====
1. Things you can see from the Lock Screen:
—Time, Date, Day, Next Alarm
—Weather Information
—Media buttons (previous, play, pause, next), this automatically shows if you have a song playing..
—Missed calls, New SMS notice

2. Things you can customize on the Lock Screen
—Full Screen (hide the status bar…)
—Lock screen Wallpaper (Live wallpaper now supported)
—To show/hide missed calls contact, new sms contents
—Own custom icon selection
—Screen timeout
—Unlock sound, screen off sound
—Disabling Default Home Button function, Long press Home Button to launch recent apps
—Weather update interval and other settings
—And many other customizations

What’s in this version:
☭ added: device administrators option for full security password control (pro)
☭ added: Swedish, Germen Translation, thanks to XDA members: b0red, BratHuhn
☭ updated: the Locker will be the 1st to show up when rebooting if you have set “disable home button”
☭ fixed: custom rss update link changed to “cnn” when selected

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Please not to add the reference to a mirror in my releases!
Download Instructions: … 0.apk.html


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